Booney Declares Wush an Obsessed Bully

Wush is a big obsessed MeanyChad’s show began with the sit in guest, John Booney. Booney and Chad’s conversation started out in a familiar tone for those who have heard them on-air before in this type of 2-person format, which often follows some type of PT drama. It seems whenever the topic at hand is related to PT, the meat of that conversation only occurs after the increasingly predictable strategy of discrediting the PT audience, or community in general, occurs. To be fair to Booney, this has been Chad’s M.O. from the start, which includes a few other prerequisites. This technique essentially breaks down into 3 stages, with the first 2 having no particular order. How it played out on Friday’s Chad show stuck to the formula pretty much;

  • Stage 1 – Discredit the PT audience
  • Stage 2 - Express how much you don’t care about it
  • Stage 3 - Talk at length about the thing which you don’t care about

We should name this technique so it’s easier to refer to in the future, so we’ll call it the “Puns in the Bum” technique. Anyway, for this show it was Booney who had the PT related issue that was up for discussion, or more specifically an issue with its owner, Wush. And I’m going to be honest, as far as Booney’s and Chad’s first few stages of Puns in the Bum that kicked off this show, I’d only rate them a 2 out of 5 stars. On previous shows with this format, it was a lot more motivated and fully erect, like a huge uncircumcised humorless cock coming straight for your virgin unemployed ears of stupidity. But this one was like, meh. We have to tell PT how stupid they are, so let’s just get it out of the way. This is a sure sign this most recent W&B drama is dying down on Booney’s end, nothing can last forever I guess. Sigh. For closure purposes we’ll list some of the top W&B dramas of past and present, where Booney also gracefully put his Puns in the Bum;

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Rebooted Show Airs & Ted is out of Weed

Rebooted Show Airs & Ted is out of WeedOn Thursday night, January 26th at 8PM EST, Maxxx, Zach and the new co-host Ted Trendy aired their new rebooted show on Podtrash. The show formerly known as CMZ is now called Pork Chop Express. One of the first things that Maxxx addressed was the new co-host Ted, saying that they were going to keep Ted around for a few weeks to see how things work out. Ted was pretty quiet for the first 45 minutes or so but he eventually warmed up and found his way into the conversation.

The first hour of the show touched on the subject of politics and race, but the conversation was pretty low key as far as those topics go. There were no verbal beat downs and no one rage quit the show, so I guess that’s a positive, depending on your point of view. Ted did give an unfortunate update before the first break, turns out that times are a little tough at the moment, and he’s out of weed. He’s down to smoking his resin, and upon hearing that, Maxxxx immediately broke out into this full belly laugh kind of fit that created the most unusual sounding noises that this listener has ever heard. Just the mere fact a human being was capable of making these types of sounds was rather shocking, and it’s very difficult to describe. The closest I can come is to say it was like an extremely happy turkey, drowning in the open air as it was being burnt by a cigarette smoking horse. As Maxxx began to calm down, he seemed a little embarrassed about his “laugh”, and he’ll probably end up cutting that part out of the show. That is, if someone can show him how to do that. Regardless though, Podgas was able to use our expertise in investigative journalism to obtain a scientifically accurate reenactment of what the ‘Ted’s smoking resin’ laugh sounded like;

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Podtrasher Makes Debut With New 'One-Off' Show

RDV Brings in Australian Day on PodtrashA long standing and solid member of the PT community and often heard caller into various PT shows, RDV the GIF maker and website guru from Australia, debuted a new show on PT on Wednesday January 25th at 7PM EST titled ‘Oz Day with RDV & Mates’. His show debut coincided with “Australia Day” (Jan. 26th there). Australia Day is apparently some type of country wide circle jerk that celebrates that people are in fact, born in Australia sometimes. Although further clarification on that could be provided by RDV himself.

RDV was joined by his Australian lady friend (not that kind, he’s married), and “on-air virgin” named Pippa. Pippa is known in PT circles through her occasional appearance on PT Chat and her friendship on Titter with various PT’ers. In real life Pippa works with deaf children and adults and her communication prowess was evident during the talking portions of the show. She was clear, concise and contributed to the on-air the conversations like a vetran. As a side note, it’s rumored that her secret ‘pet peeve’ is when people say, huh.

RDV’s show was a ‘one off’ type of broadcast meant to highlight Australian music culture, and other Aussie stuff, but as Pippa stated, “I think RDV has the bug”. However, what she says cannot always be taken at face value, as evident by the fact that she uses non-words like “Vegemite, Lamingtons and Bundy Rum”. Either way though, I think it’s obvious that the PT community wants more RDV shows, it’s just a matter of whether he can pull himself away from his unhealthy bird obsession long enough to do a show. Oh, and there is the whole wife and kids’ thing that he claims comes into play, but let’s be honest, it’s all about those fucking birds.

Instead of Show, Booney Gives Podtrash Network the Finger

Booney with a censored somethingBreaking: On Sunday Jan. 22nd at approximately 9pm EST PT’er John Booney decided his scheduled Sunday show Chuck’s Take with ChuckSteak on Podtrash, must NOT go on. Booney cited reasons which involved ChuckSteak not wanting to do the show because of football. Instead of broadcasting on PT, Booney decided to go live on his Twitch channel during what would have been the Chuck’s Take time slot, while advertising his Twitch channel on PT and repeatedly asking the PT community for broadcast quality feedback. The show cancelation and following self-promotion by Booney received a quick response from the PT community and powers that be. Wush stated in chat, "it can be done much better without twitch", then proceeded to go live on You Tube streaming games while simulcasting through PT and taking Skype calls from PT listeners.

On-air Wush responded to Booney’s actions by clarifying, if it wasn’t for Booney advertising on PT he wouldn’t have had the 2 viewers he had, which was in reference to Booney’s first Twitch attempt which ended in technical difficulties. Booney did restart his steam and Podgas observed the stream was good quality for a time, albeit for a 23-year-old game played on Booney’s Windows Vista computer.

You mad bro?

Wush discussed the issue on-air pointing out some of the obvious problems with the events that transpired and eventually Booney’s brother and co-host ChuckSteak called in. ChuckSteak and Wush discussed what went down with ChuckSteak’s main point being, to complain about the people complaining while stating, "Instead of you guys complaining, if you’re so worried about a show then go live and do one". After ChuckSteak’s call, Wush stated that things were, “just not working out” between him and Booney because Booney always seems to have issues that get in the way.

After a time Booney called into Wush’s live stream where Wush did most of the talking, pointing out several issues he had with him, the most important being that they should both just move on for now. Booney did try to make some points but they were not meet with an open ear. You can hear exclusive audio of this most recent Wush and Booney fight here;

After Booney’s call Wush’s vigor seemed to be renewed, he went on an extended explanation about how things always have to be Booney’s way and the results were not worth the effort, which he said was not fun and were exhausting.

The C person on the CMZ shows quits!

Podtrash's ChadBreaking: The C in CMZ, known on Podtrash as Chad from St. Loius, announced that he has quit the CMZ show. The PT community lets out a simultaneous, ear shattering roar of approval. Podgas has obtained that audio and it can be heard below:

During the Wush & Boon Show (W&B) on January 13th at approximately 8:45pm EST Chad informed the PT community (via his phone call) that he has quit the CMZ show and refuses to work with Maxxxwell any further. Chad expressed his confusion to Wush, as to why Maxxx gets a “pass” on the network for everything and “can do no wrong”. He also asked Wush, “How can you let him continue on this network...”, which was in reference to a recent rant by his former co-host Maxxx. During that rant Maxxx had disparaging words to say about Robyn, Wush’s girlfriend, for which Maxxx later halfheartedly apologized for. As Maxxx has alluded to, it happened during an excessive button pushing exercise by his former co-host Chad.

Shortly afterwards Chad exclaimed in PT chat that, “...podtrash 'cofounders' absolutely do not appreciate any of my work on the network”. Chad then began to criticize the live show airing, that he had just gotten off the phone with, expressing that the new original bit they were doing was too boring but might make a good bumper. Chad then notified PT chat that he was doing a new show called, “The Chad Show, Puns in the Bum” or something like that.

The Podtrash CMZ Backstabbing

The Podtrash Red Winter - 2017

The Podtrash Red Winter - 2017On or around January 2nd 2017, PT’s founder Wush stated that in the PT chat, and I’m paraphrasing here, “It’s time to cut the fat bitches, if your show isn’t on the top banner it means you got the axe, and for you other fuckers that are NOT canceled, expect a rule book soon you son of a bitches.

The shock wave quickly traveled around the PT community with JVoitech, an active member of chat and one of the host of the canceled Technical Holocaust show, immediately going into hiding. Chrissy, a host of the canceled CUNT show, also reportedly got her panties all in a bunch. According to Jon (Chrissy’s brother) as stated during his recent Eh Team show on the 4th of January, it took magic to calm her down. Also it’s been reported, but not confirmed, that Andy of Technical Holocaust has stabbed several of his Uber passengers.

As some PT’ers have pointed out, it takes a cold dead heart to leave people to fend for themselves, in what could possibly be the coldest Winter in recent memory. But as Wush stated shortly after the Podtrash Red Winter announcement, “ needed to be done”.

Children’s home rejects 25K donation because God

Matt Wilbourn

So this dude in Oklahoma named Matt Wilbourn donated, or tried to donate $25,000 to the Murrow Indian Children’s Home on behalf of Muskogee Atheist Community, and it was rejected by the children’s home. I’m sure you can guess the reason, it’s because Matt and his atheist Facebook buddies/group don’t believe in God.

Matt did an interview with a local TV station, and he descried the phone call he received from a lady who worked at the children’s home, “She called my desk phone at work and told me that they would not be accepting our donation because it would go against everything they believe in”.

Basically the Murrow Indian Children’s Home is supported by a Baptist charity organization, and that charity organization won’t take the donation because they feel it will be advertising Matt’s atheist group, which they state is against their principles.

What’s the moral of this story? Hell I don’t know but is sure seems like the kids are getting the short end of the stick on this one.