What a fine fine Friday evening it was, I started listening to the first of Podtrash’s (PT) Friday evening shows, The High Pitch Eric Show, and all seemed good. The show started with Gonzo telling Eric he was glad he was back after last week, because Eric had said he was going to quit the show, or take a ‘mental health’ break. Evidently through the week Eric had reflected on that, and he said that “The four of us are a team, we’re a power team. We’re the Power Rangers and we have to stick together as a team”. It wasn’t clear to me at that time who the fourth person was that Eric referred to, because there were only 3 host on the show, but Chad (AKA Pun Boy) did actually take credit for Eric not quitting early in the week through a call into a different PT show, where he stated that he had talked Eric out of quitting. Pun Boy reportedly has Eric’s ear and talks to him regularly on his show, and has been known to manipulate him on numerous occasion since Joey passed away and Eric started his own show. So the subject of the manipulations to which I refer, are ones that have to do with Eric’s PT show. With Eric’s show clips having now been played on Howard Stern’s show, Eric is more of a ‘Howard’ connection for those who have a predisposition towards the importance of Howard in their lives. Regardless though, the whole Pun Boy and Eric dynamic often seems to play back into the PT network and Eric’s show somehow. According to sources, Pun Boy's Eric manipulation game, which is done on-air under the guise of comedy, is done on a pretty regular basis or when the on-air opportunity arises. And no, I don’t listen to that podcast, not since the 2nd one that was related to the Pun boy & PT breakup drama and the resulting hurt feelings. But so what, it’s none of anyone’s business what one person says to or how one treats another (unless you care about one of them), besides those people who are involved. It’s all a big game with at least the intention of being entertaining, so should anyone really take issue with what happens between them? Let the boys play I say, so long as no one gets hurt or loses an eye (or a show), then it's all good. Whatever the case is, Eric’s power ranger comparison was pretty funny and I thought the show was off to a good start, with Jolie and Gonzo also seeming to be happy go lucky. Eric said if he quits then the haters win and he told Jolie that, “We are strong people, and can’t let the haters get to us”. Then Eric told us about his 4X - Winners Never Quit tee-shirt. Eric didn’t know it at the time, but his statements would become ironic, as he would say later that he was quitting the show for good as was Jolie, which would be in response to Max’s forthcoming tantrum.
So I set off to get some red wine with the intention of coming home and drinking some and listening to the HPE show as well as Wush’s show afterwards. I’m on a little bit of a red wine kick because they say that it’s healthy, and by healthy they mean 2 small glasses of it and not the whole bottle. Opps. I don’t know about you, but there is no such thing as 2 glasses of wine for me unless I were to break the bottle on accident after 2 glasses and couldn’t get more. Anyway, I returned home about 25 or 30 minutes later and clicked the play button for the show and all hell was breaking loose. Max was yelling at some chic who was a caller as well as Jolie, with small amounts of anger shrapnel hitting anyone who addressed him, and I had no idea what started it. Sure the rant was mesmerizing to hear, but without a frame of reference for how it all started, it was also disturbing to listen to. Like seeing a train wreck, it was hard to 'not' pay attention to, but I was hoping in the end everyone would be okay. What the hell had these girls done to bring out Mad Max’s fit?